Artifact One
This essay was my final project in Dr. Gaillet’s Persuasion class, ENGL 1102 in the Fall of 2024. The assignment required a persuasive essay on any argument of our choice. Dr. Gaillet emphasized the importance of utilizing the skills we had learned throughout her class to make a compelling persuasive argument, and I chose the popular debate of whether or not violent video games increase aggressive behavior. I selected this artifact because it demonstrates what I have learned about persuasive communication. It is quite a long essay, but Dr. Gaillet gave me an A for it and I remember being extremely happy about that. This essay is strong in its research-based approach and has reliable sources and good rebuttals. I think it is an exemplary piece of what I have learned in this concentration, but if I were to revise it in the future, I would make it more concise. There are a couple points in the essay that feel like they veer off-topic, and while I do think they are important points, I would make them shorter.
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